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Propecia Help/Advice Needed Urgently!!

Propecia UK is a product by Mereck and has been successfuly used for hair loss treatment. Discussions on Propecia, How Propecia works and what was your experience with Propecia.

Moderator: frank

Propecia Help/Advice Needed Urgently!!

Postby SRDooley » Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:14 pm

Hi all,

Sorry this is my first post as I really need some information please!

I have been using propecia for 18 months now and am delighted with the results. It has stopped my hair loss and made my crown area which was my main concern a lot thicker. I now only need to use a small amount of nanogen and my hair looks like it did over 10 years ago!!

I have read so much information regarding the risks involved with pregnancy and came to the conclusion that there was very little risk in conceiving whilst I was on the drug. The research I read stated that it was more important not to have unprotected sex during the first 12-16 weeks of pregnancy whist taking the drug. In fact, I did not have unprotected sex with my partner throughout the entire pregnancy but unfortunately my baby was born with a limb defect. I'm absolutely distraught at the thought I may have caused this. I am quite a private person and never actually told my wife I was on the drug!!

What I want to know is will the propecia show up on my medical records if the doctors are looking into my baby's health? I know this sounds so selfish to still be hiding it but I dont think my partner would ever forgive me if she thought the medication is to blame. I will never forgive myself but that is something I will have to live with. We had two healthy boys before I started the medication and I will never know if it was 'just one of those things' or whether the propecia is to blame.

I am looking for advice as to how to move forward and whether anyone knows if it will show up on my records. When I purchase the drug online it asks me to put my doctors name and address in but for the first few prescriptions I mistakenly put the wrong doctor surgery down as there are two close by and I never visit the doctor so am not familiar with his name! The prescription was still granted so is this something they just ask as a matter of compliance or are the prescriptions definitely added to your records?

Has anyone been through anything similar? I would REALLY appreciate all the advice/support I can get!

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:59 pm

Re: Propecia Help/Advice Needed Urgently!!

Postby mania » Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:34 am

You don't need to be upset about your hair condition about he Propecia, there are many people who are suffering from the hair loss they go for different hair loss treatment to get rid of one the most recent and advance fue hair restoration surgery Islamabad for best ressults of natural hair ...
Posts: 382
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:20 am
Location: Pakistan

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